Top-Rated Tutoring in Markham
98% of Parents Say TutorBright is One the Great Investments They Made for Their Child
Voted 5 Years of 'Best tutoring service' by City Parent Magazine

“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think”
Online and In home customized tutoring • Individualized Learning Plans
Tutor-Mentorship and Ongoing Support
15 years of experience
Voted 5 years of “Best Tutoring Service” By CityParent
Experienced Certified Tutors
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
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We hire From Top Colleges and Universities Including

Markham Tutoring Programs
Markham is one of the fastest growing regions in the GTA, with a population boom of over 50% in the past 20 years! It is now the largest population in the York area! As such, TutorBright understands the expanding and diverse education needs of Marham students, especially as class sizes grow and university admission becomes more and more competitive. We are an in-home and online tutoring company with customised programs that are designed for each student we see. Through relationship based, one-to-one tutoring, we support students of all ages and abilities in building their skills and confidence to reach their education goals, while working with families to give the flexibility to accommodate busy schedules! From early learning to high school and beyond, our experienced Tutor-Mentors are available to help online, and can also travel to a variety of neighbourhoods, including Markham Village, Unionville, Cachet, Cathedraltown, Rouge Fairways, Angus Glen, Sherwood-Amberglen, and many more!

Meet Some Of Our Markham Tutor-Mentors
Why We Work
Free In-Depth Consultation
Personalized Academic Plan
Tailored Tutors (Mentors)
Happy Kid. Happy Parents.
Markham Tutor Service Area
TutorBright is committed to helping students and families in Markham by providing exceptional tutoring services throughout the area. Whether you're in Unionville, Cornell, Buttonville, Milliken Mills, Thornhill, Cedarwood, Berczy Village, or any other neighborhood, we’ve got your tutoring needs covered. From the vibrant Markville Shopping Centre to the serene Toogood Pond Park, and near popular destinations like the Markham Museum and the Reesor Park, TutorBright ensures that every part of Markham benefits from high-quality educational support.
Even if you're not directly in Markham, feel free to reach out to us. We are here to support students in the surrounding regions as well.
How Our Tutoring Model Helps Markham Students
Leaving Our Mark On Markham!
With our team of skilled Tutor-Mentors available for tutoring Markham students, parents can breathe a sigh of relief. As much as they want their children to succeed, parents aren’t always able to help their kids with school work and it can be frustrating trying to find the right support. For some parents and their children, homework time becomes a painful chore that leaves everyone feeling discouraged. We understand that what students need is someone who takes the time to understand their needs and provide them with learning strategies that work for them. This is where we come in! Every student with TutorBright receives the undivided, one-on-one attention of a Tutor-Mentor and a personalised academic plan that is designed specifically for them.
We know that there is so much more to academic success than just working hard and that’s why our relationship based tutoring approach has helped so many students! We don’t just focus on instruction, but on helping students build the confidence they need to succeed!
We believe that this is the best model because:
- Virtual and In home tutoring is more comfortable for the child and more convenient for the parent.
- With TutorBright, you know you are getting a certified tutor with a clean police background check – with a private individual, that is left to chance.
- Your child is matched with the Tutor-Mentor that best suits them.
- Virtual and In home tutoring is more comfortable for the child and more convenient for the parent.
- We will never lock you into a contract or bulk hours. If you are not happy with our services, you may discontinue them at any time.
Our Process
We know that Markham parents have a choice when it comes to educational support for their child. What sets TutorBright apart from other companies is that we provide more than your standard tutoring experience. Our tutors are called Tutor-Mentors because they are there not only for content support, but to help your child build the confidence and self-esteem to make that learning stick and develop a healthy relationship with learning. It all starts with learning about each student’s academic needs, who they are, how they learn, and what your goals are as their parent. This allows us to find the Tutor-Mentor that will be the just-right match for each child’s unique needs.

English Tutors
As a required course in all levels of public education, English class is one of our most requested subjects for academic support. Whether your child is a reluctant reader or needs a little help getting through those big essays, everyone needs a little help from time to time. Luckily, our one-to-one Tutor-Mentors are experts in helping students find the fun in English class by giving them the tools and confidence to read and write effectively at any level!
French Tutors
Not only is learning a second language helpful for a developing brain, but it can open a lot of doors in the job market and beyond when the time comes. In Ontario, one of the most helpful second languages is French, which is why it is a required subject in English schools. At TutorBright, we offer French/English bilingual support and mentorship to all students to help them develop a deeper understanding of the language and succeed in their required French courses.
math Tutors
Math is one of the most requested subjects for tutoring support as many students struggle with math courses throughout their school experience. Since math concepts build upon each other, we know how easy it is to fall behind and get discouraged, especially with those pesky word problems! Luckily, our experienced Tutor-Mentors are experts at making math fun at any age. From number sense to long division to calculus, we’ve got you covered!